Around the church for April 3, 2024

Bill Bauer Funeral

Bill Bauer’s funeral will be held on Saturday, April 6th.
The service will be held at 11:00 am with a light reception following the service.
Please join us as we bear witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, support the Bauer family, and celebrate Bill’s Life.

Pastor Matt’s Farewell

As you all know, Pastor Matt will be embarking on a new chapter in his journey. As we bid farewell to our beloved pastor, we invite you to join us for a light reception to express our gratitude, best wishes, heartfelt farewells, and celebration of Pastor Matt’s impactful ministry within our congregation. Your presence will truly make this event memorable. Please join us on April 7th following the 10:00 am service.

MAPS Concert
April 14th at 4:00 pm. Join us as the Pine Street Chancel Choir performs along with Joseph Garrison conducting and Matthew McMahan playing the organ.

April Giving Barrel
Pine Street’s Mission Committee has dedicated April’s Giving Barrel to the homeless and hospitalized veterans.  Our donated items will be appropriately sorted and delivered to the two groups of veterans.  Below are listed the items that are most needed and requested. Let’s fill the Barrel for those who have given much for our country.

Items needed are:

  • small bottles of water
  • large and small bottles of sunscreen
  • small and large bottles of body lotion
  • 3 in 1 bottles of body wash
  • brushes and combs (no rat tails)
  • small boxes of band-aids
  • reading glasses

All these items can be found at the Dollar Tree.  Thank you!!!

Matt’s Leaving…so now what
With Matt leaving us after April 7, many are wondering what happens now?  Session has had discussions on the direction to take after Matt is gone, and while there are many more questions than answers at this point, here is some concrete information.

First, The Pastoral Nominating Committee continues its work searching and discerning the next called pastor to lead Pine Street into the future. They are hard at work trying to find that person, but as of now, we do not know how much longer it will take.  keep the PNC in your prayers, and ask that the Spirit send the pastor intended for us to us.  Preferably, soon.

Next, thanks to the hard work of David Colestock as Chair of the Worship Committee and many thanks to the Rev. Don Potter and Rev. Heather Sigler, we currently have scheduled and will have ministers in our pulpit every Sunday from April 14 through July 7.  Our Sunday services will be held as usual.  Should we need to schedule further, we will do that.

As our Book of Order requires, Presbytery has appointed a Moderator to run our Session meetings.  She is the Rev. Arlene Dunn who is currently a chaplain at a hospice and a member of the Carlisle Presbytery.  Session will meet her at our next stated meeting on April 22.

We will not pursue another interim pastor for several reasons.  Most important is that an interim comes with several transitional charges and duties.  Matt has completed these duties and this role admirably and Presbytery would not support our calling another interim because it is not appropriate for where we are in the transition process.

If anyone needs pastoral care after Matt leaves, please contact Krystle Whitley, our Church Administrator.  She will refer your request to the Deacons who will handle pastoral care requests, and will be backed up by our Stephen Ministers should they be needed.  As I write this, we do not yet have a minister to call on should one be needed, but it is a priority for Session to find someone to fill this role.

Be assured that Session is working to make sure that the programs and ministries of Pine Street continue during this transition.  Should you have any questions or concerns.
Please feel free to talk to any of the Elders.

Senators Baseball Game

Sunday June 23,2024 Picnic food available from 12-2p. Game starts at 1pm.
Cost for both picnic and game is as follows:
ages 13 and older- $30
children 4-12-$20
Kids under 4 free!
Deadline to sign up is June 2nd 2024

Dates for your Calendar

Sunday, April 7 – 2nd Sunday of Easter
8:45 am- Sunday School
8:45 am- Confirmation Class
8:45 am- Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am- Café Conversations- Room 103
10:00 am- Worship Rev. Matthew Drumheller Preaching
11:00 am- Farewell reception for Pastor Matt (directly after service)

Sunday, April 14 – 3rd Sunday of Easter
8:45 am- Sunday School
8:45 am- Confirmation Class
8:45 am- Choir Rehearsal
9:00 am- Café Conversations- Room 103
10:00 am- Worship Rev. Donald Potter Preaching4:00 pm- MAPS concert- featuring Pine Street Chancel Choir, Joseph Garrison and Matthew McMahan